You may be stopped from withdrawing your money if unusual activity has been spotted in your account however, a gambling business should not hold on to your money unnecessarily.

All gambling businesses should make sure that their terms and conditions are clearly set out online or in the physical premises such as a betting shop.

How to complain if you can't withdraw your winnings

There are many reasons why you may not be able to withdraw winnings from your account. We do not have access to customers’ accounts, so we can't see what has happened if you're having problems.

You should complain directly to the gambling business and follow the complaints process to find out what the problem is.

How to complain

First of all you should complain directly to the gambling business. Follow the complaints process when you submit your complaint.

The complaints process

  1. Check terms and conditions

    Check any terms and conditions that are linked to your account or your gambling transaction.

  2. Contact the gambling business

    You can find how to contact the gambling business and view their complaints procedure on their website.

    You can also complain in person and ask for a copy of the complaints policy at the premises. For example the betting shop, arcade, bingo hall or casino.

    You can also use the free online tool Resolver that gives advice to customers and can help you with submitting a complaint.